In 1999 Prime Minister Obuchi and President Clinton greeting a crowd on the South lawn of the White House.
Prime Minister Obuchi presented a 250 year old Ezo Spruce to President Clinton during his state visit to Japan in November 1998.
Prime Minister Obuchi was presented a 300 year old twisted trunk style California Juniper presented to him from President Clinton May 1999 On his visit to the United States the following year.
The second photo is at this time was Mr.Jack Sustic and Wayne Amos of the National Park Service taking Mr.Takayasu’s California Juniper into the white house under the watchful eye of a security guard.
These footnotes given us by Thomas S. Ella’s Director of the U.S. National Arboretum (1999)
I still regret that I had not discovered bonsai when I was younger. I feel I will never have enough time to do all of the things I would like and I envy young children and teenagers who are introduced to bonsai, show an interest and have the many resources there are today. They will undoubtedly reap the benefits of youthful energy and more years, to develop outstanding bonsai.